
Have your eyes ever feasted on cheeks like these before?


This precious buttercup looks like something right out of a magazine.


I think it’s pretty obvious she captured all of our hearts.




This baby is a product of rape. Her father is Derrick and her mother is Harriett. Years ago, before this little buttercup knew life, some thugs came and beat up her father. The effects of this horrible, heinous beating has caused her father to go mad. When Derrick goes mad, he is like a mad man. What do you think a mad man does to his wife? to his children? After seeking medical advice Derrick’s family discovered there is medicine that will keep Derrick to keep his sanity.

Life in Uganda is hard. When there is money you buy food first. This medicine is very expensive, 120,000 shillings ($48 dollars) a month. It was during one of these times when Derrick went mad that he raped Harriett. Harriett has AIDS. She was so ashamed to tell anyone of her pregnancy. AIDS itself already brings so much shame. But, when you have AIDS and you get pregnant, the shame goes deeper and the disgrace grows thicker.

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Despite Harriett’s shame and despite her disgrace, Harriett sought to count her blessings from God. She purposed in her heart to be thankful. Harriett chose to see God’s grace.

She named the child. . . Janet. It means, “God is gracious.”

harriet and janet blog

This precious little buttercup has brought her mother so much joy.

Derrick currently does not have medication. His episodes of madness are unpredictable and we don’t know when one will happen again. We don’t know at what expense and what price his precious family pays when these episodes of madness occur. The medicine brings him sanity. However, there is no money for it.

Won’t you help? You can give $48 dollars a month or you can go in half with someone else. If we all do a little, then it adds up to a whole lot.



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